Thank you to everyone participating and supporting in this year's Summerland to Carpinteria Ocean Swim. Conditions couldn't have been better for our group of 40+ swimmers and support crew enjoying a beautiful day in the water. I would love to show you all the photos that I took, but unfortunately, my camera didn't exactly have as good of a day as the rest of us. If anyone else has any photos, please send them my way (delphis13@msn.com).
-LINK TO ENTRY FORMS / -2013 Summerland to Carpinteria Entry Forms
-4.7 mile swim Kayakers: Frank, Christea, Patti, Eigil
-2.2 mile swim Kayakers: Vic, Randy
-Support Drivers:
--Registration sheets and info pages NOW available.
-We need kayakers (7) and drivers! Please let us know if you can help out and sign-up :)
-Power boat supervision (2 boats this year - CONFIRMED!)
-Kayak rentals - CONFIRMED!
-4.7 mile swim Kayakers: Frank, Christea, Patti, Eigil
-2.2 mile swim Kayakers: Vic, Randy
-Support Drivers:
--Registration sheets and info pages NOW available.
-We need kayakers (7) and drivers! Please let us know if you can help out and sign-up :)
-Power boat supervision (2 boats this year - CONFIRMED!)
-Kayak rentals - CONFIRMED!
(NOTE: Because we do accept entries on the day of the event, this number should not be considered an accurate representation of how many will participate. We are expecting a strong turnout this year with a good chance of selling out.)
===============================================================(NOTE: Because we do accept entries on the day of the event, this number should not be considered an accurate representation of how many will participate. We are expecting a strong turnout this year with a good chance of selling out.)
ARE YOU READY FOR THE SUMMERLAND TO CARPINTERIA SWIM? Yes, it's that time of the year again to start looking forward to our annual long distance open water swim. As we all know, last year's event was cancelled due to shark sightings on the swim course. So this year we're crossing our fingers for excellent weather, calm conditions, warm water, and no critters! The long course starts at Summerland's Lookout Park, and the shorter course begins at Santa Claus Lane. Both courses conclude at Carpinteria City Beach. Here is your opportunity to be added to an exclusive group who can say they actually SWAM from Summerland to Carpinteria. All the details for this challenging and exhilarating swim are listed below. We look forward to seeing you there!
DATE: Sunday, September 15, 2013
Starting point #1: Lookout Park - Summerland (4.7 miles)
Starting point #2: Santa Claus Lane - Summerland (2.2 miles)
Finish: Carpinteria City Beach (Ash Avenue)
The conditions can vary from calm and glassy, to moderately choppy with swells and surf. The course passes a number of land points and shallow reefs that may require a slight amount of navigation around higher surf areas. Water temperature is expected to range from 61 to 68 degrees with excellent open water swimming conditions. The course goes WITH THE CURRENT, which should provide an enjoyable and scenic setting for this event.
TIME: 8:00 - 10:00 am / Registration, Breakfast, Safety and Swim Preparation Meeting / Meet at Carpinteria City Beach (Ash Avenue). Participants are encouraged to sign-up prior to the event, but will be accepted up until the start of the event (unless sold-out). A continental breakfast will be served from 8-10 am. A Swim Prep Safety Meeting will be held before transport of the long and short course swimmers. This meeting will include conditions of the course, safety precautions and organization info. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST ATTEND THE SWIM PREP SAFETY MEETING.
9:00 - 10:00 am / Long Course Swim participants gear up and are transported to starting point for 10:00 am Long Course Start.
10:00 - 11:00 am / Short Course Swim paticipants gear up and are transported to starting point for 11:00 am Short Course Start.
REQUIREMENTS: THE EVENT IS OPEN TO A MAXIMUM OF 60 SWIMMERS. All entries to this event must be approved by the Event Manager (Vic Anderson). All levels of experienced open water swimmers are welcome to join us on this adventure. Minimum swimming requirements of this event are: (1) Swimmers must be able to swim continuously at a comfortable pace for at least 20 minutes (any stroke); (2) Swimmers must wear appropriate swim attire for an event such as this. Highly visible bathing caps will be provided. Anti-chaffing sticks and anti-fog solutions will also be available at the swim prep location; (3) Swimmers must be able to hear or see instructions given by rescue or emergency-assistance authorities.
Participants are required to assign a swimming skill level based on their ability to swim a mile. An INTERMEDIATE skill level equals swimming at less than 40 minutes per mile pace. Please note, the Long Course (4.7 mile swim) is open to Advanced and Intermediate skill level swimmers only. Also note that the supervised courses have a cutoff time of 3 hours. Swimmers are welcome to continue past the cutoff time, but without kayak/boat support.
SAFETY: Safety is always our number 1 priority, and at no time should anyone risk encountering a hazardous situation in order to continue the event. Although this event can be considered as strenuous and extremely challenging, the course is set-up to allow all levels of experienced ocean and fitness swimmers to participate. A complete summary of the event's safety guidelines will be discussed during our Preparation Meeting. A flyer is also available at Master's swim practices or by contacting the Event Manager (Vic Anderson - 805-403-5425). Participants are required to sign an Incident Waiver to enter this event.
One of the benefits of having this event along the coast is that we are always within a couple hundred yards from shore at all times during the swim. If at any time a problem is encountered, the first response will be to head towards shore. Emergency resources can be contacted immediately by cell phone carried by kayak groups. Remember, THIS IS NOT A RACE! Swimmers/kayakers are encouraged to take breaks whenever necessary (in or out of the water). One of the primary concerns that all participants need to be aware of are the hazards associated with cold water exposure. Hazards potentially encountered during this event will be discussed during the mandatory Preparation Meeting.
POTLUCK DINNER: We will be gathering at Island Brewing Company following the swim for a Potluck dinner. Please bring a side dish, main dish or dessert to share with others. Beverages (water, juices, soft drinks, beer) will be provided. The Potluck will begin between 3-4 pm.
COST: $25 / Includes fluorescent swim cap and snack bag, energy snacks/drinks during the swim, as well as beverages (water, juice, soft drinks, and yes - 1 beer!) at the Potluck following the swim. A portion of the cost will go towards assisting in the payment of kayak/boat rentals.
I just want to verify something please! If we're bringing a kayaker along with us and they have their own kayak, they are responsible for getting their own kayaks up to the starting point, correct? Also,if they do not have their own kayaks they can rent them at 4th beach?
Because the starting point is not within the City of Carpinteria's insurance coverage, we are not able to rent city kayaks for this event. We will be renting kayaks from SB Paddle Sports, who will deliver the boats to our location. From there, we have a truck that will transport the boats to the 2 starting points. Depending on how many sign-ups we get, the plan is to have 3-4 kayaks on each course. We can transport personal kayaks as well. If you would like to join us as a kayak participant (not part of the support crew), that can also be arranged, but please let me know ASAP so I can make the reservation ($30/4 hrs)
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